Margaret S Milligan

Margaret S Milligan was born in Wigtownshire in 1955 and has drawn and painted all her life. She now lives and works in Kirkcudbright,  thriving in the ever expanding “artist town.”

Until recent years, Margaret has concentrated on portraits and figurative pieces. To feed her passion for life drawing, she founded and is still running, the Kirkcudbright Life Drawing Group. She has seen it grow from strength to strength.

Pastel had been her first tool of choice for many years, but in January 2012, she put her beloved pastels aside and began producing small oil paintings, mainly still life

“I love how I am in charge of everything, the selection of props, the background, the foreground, the lighting, high viewpoint, low viewpoint – the choices open to me are endless. I don’t have to wait on a model or hope for the sun to shine.

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