Elizabeth Waugh 1929 - 2023

Elizabeth Waugh was a much loved sculptor who lived in Langholm in Dumfries & Galloway since the 1960’s.

Elizabeth’s work was usually built in plaster and then cast in bronze resin, and is mainly figurative, including both human nude and animal forms.

Elizabeth was brought up in close contact with animals and aimed to incorporate the diverse character, movement and general “feel” of the different species from which she worked.

Elizabeth gained a scholarship at the age of 15, and went on to attend Reigate Art School and then on to Goldsmiths College in London, where she specialised in sculpture. She then progressed on to the Anglo French Art Centre in London, working under the tutelage of sculptor Sean Crampton, where she was lucky to benefit from other prestigious visiting tutors such as Leger, de Ze Gonzac, Henry Moore, Jacob Epstein, Ronald Searle and Victor Pasmore.

Elizabeth went on to enjoy a successful career as a sculptor, and her work has become very collectable over the years.  She was the winner of the PF Charitable Trust Fund Sculpture Prize at VAS 2006 & The Powderhall Foundry Bronze Award at VAS 2008, RSA Edinburgh. She exhibited in the VAS show for 2009, and won the A4A Art Foundry Prize for her sculpture ‘Godiva’s Day Off’ at the RGI in 2012.

Elizabeth’s work is held in collections across the world, including a small piece ‘Highland Mare & Foal’ which was bought by H.M. The Queen in 2010

Elizabeth spent her later life in Langholm, where she latterly lived with her daughter Fiona and their beloved dogs (who very often offered inspiration for her much loved sculpture). Liz was working right to the end of her life, in March 2023.

(photocredit: Euan Adamson)

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