Pamela Grace

Pamela Grace trained as a knitwear designer at Galashiels, working in industry before establishing her own studio in Glasgow where  she was selected to exhibit with Glasgow Style season international shows in Berlin and Amsterdam. Drawing was always at the heart of Pamela’s practice and having moved to Galloway in the mid-nineties, she established herself as  an artist and printmaker exhibiting regularly north and south of the border and undertaking private and public commissions.

The Galloway countryside is a daily source of inspiration for me. I like to work outdoors whenever possible, sometimes making sketches and working them up at home into larger pen-and-ink and watercolour paintings or developing ideas for etchings and original prints. For these I use the facilities of the Gracefield Print Studio in Dumfries, Edinburgh Printmakers  or  my own smaller etching press depending on the scale and scope of the piece. 

 My work captures the shifting seasons in the landscape, stands of trees and field boundaries inland and also the ever-changing light at the coast. I also  like to record smaller details of gardens and allotment and my prints and lithographs often feature garden birds.” 

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