Yvette Glaze

Yvette Glaze uses drawing and print on clay. She creates a multi-layered and textured surface on her pieces which explore the emotional history retained within an object.

“I begin my process by sketching, painting and printing. I work instinctively to capture how I feel about the image. These explorations lead to work on clay. I use multi layered techniques in my ceramics, using slips, coloured clay, print and texture. I am interested in creating painted art on the clay surface then building a sculptural form that reflects each unique piece of art.”

“The inspiration for my ceramic art comes from objects that retain a story and emotional imprint from their history. This can be seen through layers of paint, rust, texture and pattern.

Yvette began her career as a scenic artist in theatre. She went on to teach art and ceramics in therapeutic settings, including working with people with mental health problems and physical and learning difficulties.


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