
‘INSPIRE’ IS NOW CLOSED but the remaining available works remain in the gallery and online.

This exhibition welcomes a mix of abstract and semi-abstract works, alongside figurative, still life, landscapes and interior works.

Participating artists include Boo Mallinson, Christine Clark, Fee Dickson Reid, Garry Harper, Gillian Westland, Joyce Gunn Cairns, Kate Bentley SWA, Kelly Stewart, Kerry Souter, Liz Toole, Lucy Squires Wilson, Margaret Evans, Margaret S Milligan, Pamela Grace, Patricia Sadler and Robert Pereira Hind.

New collections of ceramics will be from Heather Armstrong, Helen Harrison and Sandie Cosens; sculpture by Avneet Cheema and Pratima Kramer; Glass by Debbie Lord, Gregg Anston Race and Sarah Woods; Artist books by Frances Law; Jewellery by Melissa James & Sheena McMaster; Mosaics by Morag Archer; Textiles by Jo Gallant.

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